Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tisk, tisk! School Organization Binder

This girl hasn't written in a couple of weeks...  whooooops!

In my defense, I haven't written because I've been knocking out projects left and right!

I'm nearly done with our garage clean-up and organization.  I'd say it's "done" but I'm really hoping to add a mudroom locker type space in the garage next to the door.  That's not done yet.  And, we're seriously discussing what to do with the walls and floor in the garage--floor more seriously.  I'll share the progress on that space in the next few days.

School started for the Girl and she's loving it!  With the start of this school year, we also implemented some new organization strategies with her schoolwork.  I'm remarried so the Girl spends one week with us and one week with her dad.  Last year, we had some trouble sharing and organizing things like spelling words from week to week.  Things appear to be a little more consistent in her new class, with things like spelling words coming home every week instead of "sometimes, but not always".  Each household keeps a binder to organize each week's work.  This is helpful not only for organizing and sharing between houses; it's also enabled us to practice more at home with copies of sheets that were sent previously.  I also made a spelling Practice Test that we do each day as part of homework time.  I'm having her take practice tests for Math Facts every couple of days--the timed tests seem to be a challenge for my kiddo.

I use the front pocket to keep quizzes or worksheets that I am having her do throughout the week.  These are in addition to whatever homework she brings home from school.  I keep the colored pens in the purple pencil case--The entire binder is color-coded by week so they stay in there for writing on the index, calendar, and for scoring/correcting the quizzes and worksheets she does here at home.  You can see the spelling Practice Test we use, thrown together in Pages based on the layout of her real test at school.

I made the index in Pages based on the number of weeks the Girl has before winter break.  I couldn't find the Avery ones at Target and I wasn't running around to a bunch of stores looking for them (despite my LOVE of office supplies, I'm not so fond of carting around a cranky toddler just for an index and dividers).  Each section corresponds to a week and is color-coded red through purple.  We write the major assignments that were sent home that week and note upcoming tests and skills that need practice.

Monthly calendars follow the index and include week's that the Girl is with me and weeks she is with her dad.  Holidays and no-school days are also included as well as school events/activities that are scheduled.

Color-coded and dated dividers with plastic sleeves keep the original blank worksheets and her graded tests contained and organized by date.  I couldn't find dividers in the exact colors I wanted either so these are simply made with scrapbook cardstock and pieces of index cards.

And, some of the homework...  The spelling words actually come to us in a different format, but I like to type them in to a template in pages to keep them this way.  I'm not as fond of the format they are sent home in (it's like a box/grid and it's copied so the print isn't always ideal).  This way I can make the print as large as I want and they're in great condition to keep.  The continents and oceans page on the left is just one I pulled off the internet for the Girl to practice leading up to their test on that material.

When I started putting this together the Hubs said, "Do ya' think ya' might be going a little overboard here?"  I realize it's a bit meticulous, but this has turned out to be a great way to maintain communication between households, and a better way than expected to carry her school lessons through when she comes home.

Until next time.......  when we talk SHOP (garage kind-a shop, not shoppING.... boo!)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Little Link-Up: A Few Free Printable Lunchbox Notes

Linking-up to some other blogs & sites for a few adorable free printable lunchbox notes!

Those of you as nerdy as I am who enjoy sending little notes in the kiddos' lunch--enjoy!


Personalize these super cute printables from Chickabug Paper & Printables


These free printables from papercoterie give LOTS of opportunity for your own special notes!


These notes from getbuttonedup may be  a little bit "kiddy" for the Girl's liking, but they are SOOOOO cute!!!!  I don't care if the Girl is in third grade...  I'm going to send some cute kiddy notes!!

And, to end the little link-up, the Girl had a great first day, and even made a new friend who lives just down the street from us!!!!!

Until next time,


Monday, September 2, 2013

In a School Daze

We're late to the "starting school" party--I know, I know!!

We're in Minnesota and around these parts MOST kids don't start school until AFTER Labor Day!  The "Great Minnesota Get-Together" ended today and school begins tomorrow!

The Girl is starting THIRD grade (time flies!) at a new school because of our move.  She's excited and nervous...  I'm excited and nervous...  I know it's going to be a great year for her but it's always hard to be the new kid.  She hasn't met many kids in our new neighborhood either so we're hoping, REALLY hoping, that she'll make some great friends quickly at school.

I admit--I LOOOOOOOVE the start of school!  

I love shopping for school supplies!!!  (a strange quirk that my older daughter certainly inherited from me)

I love the routine that the school year brings.  I'm a BIG fan of routine (hah.... imagine that!!!), and order, and stability in general.  I like planners and schedules and calendars (Oh My!).  The school year just brings with it a consistent routine--everyone knows what to expect and when to expect it.  Everyone has their own responsibilities and obligations to get it all done and make it all work.  Yes, I'm a sucker for routine!

Lastly, I LOVE fall!  Crunchy leaves, crisp air, sweatshirts, pumpkin patches, apple crisp, Halloween candy (I'm not a huge fan of Halloween--I know, I'm sorry!), apple cider, CARAMEL APPLES, bonfires and s'mores....  Oh My Gosh people I have to say it again...  I LOVE FALL!!!!!

So, the past couple of weeks have included a bit of preparation for start of school and the beginning of fall!  

We went through old clothes for the Big Girl, donated those that she has skyrocketed out of height wise, and found jeans that will fit her this year!  Yeah, that took a few stores and a LOT of trying on.  

In an effort to become a little more "green", and to send lunch with the Mister & the Girl more consistently, I purchased Easy Lunchboxes for both of them.  The Mister got a black box & the classic lunchbox colors.  The Girl got a pink box and the bright lunchbox colors.  Both of them will get four home lunches per week and one floating "meal-out" based largely on the school lunch calendar and what sounds good to the Girl.  

Four of our Easy Lunchboxes ready to be packed!

The Girl loves Gogurt so we're trying DIY "Gogurt" using these silicone popsicle pouches.  She's pretty picky about types of yogurt...  Boring, predictable, plain vanilla!  So this weekend I spooned some yogurt into these new pouches (after washing by hand and in the dishwasher--just my preference with silicone prior to first-time use).  We decided to freeze them, knowing that they will thaw before the Girl's lunch (which isn't until ONE O'CLOCK!  Eeeek!) and this way they can serve as a small cold-pack.  I love, love, love the colors, but I feel a little bad for the Mister should he take them to work...  heh....  they're just a little girly!  

Silicone popsicle molds are perfect for DIY yogurt-to-go!
We really slacked this summer on meal-planning.  We didn't have anything going on though, I mean really, what with moving, and surgery, and the Toddler's Big First Birthday.  So, I took some time and whipped up a new weekly meal planner for the 5-day week (Monday through Friday).  I mainly did it this way because we will be packing lunches only on school/work days, and we seem to end up running a LOT on the weekends!  In any case, here's a glimpse at that!  I will add a free printable in the next couple of days if anyone is interested. 

Weekly Meal Plan
This meal plan is based on how we live and eat, and how the Girl's schedule is at school.  It's very important that she have an AM snack because her class is assigned the last lunch period---at One.O.Clock.  I'm an early lunch eater so that seems suuuuuuper late to me, but with a good breakfast and a good snack, she'll be just fine!

Finally, I made some yummy stuff today....  I had great plans to accomplish more than I actually did, but in my defense, Home Depot was calling...  and I answered!  "That's the power of the Home Depot" I guess....  I just can't pass up a trip when the opportunity arises!

That being said, here's what I made today (with more cooking and baking fun to be had tomorrow!)

Chewy Granola Snacks

Good Mornin' Strawberry Muffins
So, the chewy granola treats resulted from my attempt at this recipe for No-Bake Chewy Granola Bars posted by Carole at My Kitchen Escapades.   They were too adorable NOT to try!  Truth is, I'm not even sure what I did wrong--I could have salvaged several "bars" but decided to break them apart into bite-sized "snacks" because several broke apart on their own.  They may be bite-size instead of full-size, but they are PURE yum!!!  

Though the photo only shows 6 of these lovelies, I actually froze a whopping EIGHTEEN more for an easy breakfast for us to take out before bed and have ready to eat first thing in the morning!  I doubled the recipe knowing I had a lot of berries and I wanted to use them all with one recipe!  I haven't tried these yet, but I plan to try and thoroughly enjoy them tomorrow morning!  I followed this recipe from Acceptance with Joy.  It appears the original recipe comes from the Rainbow Children's cookbook by Gold Medal.  While I haven't tried any yet, the smell wafting through our home while these were baking was absolutely heavenly!

I did some scouring of Pinterest & the interwebs for free lunch note printables.  I'll share those tomorrow.  And, I may just have been inspired to create my own!  I love sending notes in the Girl's lunchbox, but they're usually handwritten on notecards with an envelope that I draw on.  Not so exciting, perhaps, but she seems to appreciate the thought.  I'm hoping she'll think these are pretty fun and silly--lighten things up for her as she's feeling a bit nervous starting this year.  

Happy First Day of School Friends!

Until Next Time,
