Friday, August 23, 2013

A (new) Place to Call Home

Welcome!  Whether you've happened upon my site through Facebook, Pinterest, or at the recommendation of another home, organization, DIY, and/or cleaning fanatic--I hope you enjoy what I share here!  As you can no doubt tell, this is my first post, and the site will likely change a fair amount over time.  I welcome your feedback and comments, especially if you have tips, suggestions, or ideas to share on a given topic!

I'm writing to share the things I enjoy!  I'm an at-home parent to two sweet girls and over the years I have developed a love for organizing, cleaning, and finding ways for those things to be a source of joy in my life.  I love to incorporate art, color, and nature in our home while embracing the benefits of my label maker!  (It wouldn't be "me" if I didn't mention the label maker, for which I get much grief from good friends, and which was, in all honesty, a favorite gift from the Mister).

Our family recently moved from a three-level, 2,500sf townhome to a single family home of approximately 3,000sf with a yard.  Our townhome sold in ONE WEEK and we purchased our new home when it had only been on the market for one week as well!  Our process was nearly flawless--something we can only be immensely grateful for!  In the next few days I will share our selling, buying, and moving experience and what I learned from it.  My hope is that this home will be ours for the foreseeable future; that this will be our "forever home".  Many of the things about this house fit us perfectly, but there is still much to do including creating and organizing spaces in our home that allow us to live the way we like to live--we are a busy family and we love to spend time together playing games, watching movies, and entertaining friends.  We are looking forward to creating a space in which we can fully enjoy and embrace our backyard for outdoor living and small-scale gardening.  

I hope you will enjoy what I have to share here!  Please feel free to join my Facebook page, link up any future tutorials or posts on Pinterest, and share your thoughts, feedback, and ideas with me here!  

THANKS for joining me and my family in this house that's Becoming Home!


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