Thursday, November 21, 2013

Love Thursday: Little Fingerprints

I haven't written a "Love Thursday" post in years....  probably a good two plus years.  So, here's some background....

Love Thursday:  I try to write a post of thanks, appreciation...  of love.  It may be about our family, my husband, something in our home or community, or something we have done or people have done for us.  A couple of years ago, I used to give my husband a card each week on Thursday, with a handwritten note inside, typically relevant to whatever was going on in our lives or relationship at that time.  We have a lot of cards in our memory boxes!  :)  So, that's the story.

And here's what I'm loving today...  Little Fingerprints.

Last night I was cleaning up from our fancy pants dinner of brie & cranberry chutney crostini and creamy sweet potato & carrot soup, talking to the hubs, and listening to him play with the Toddler.  Making sure she's never far from the action, the Toddler came into the kitchen, played in "her drawer" taking things out and putting them back again, and looking at the stove and dishwasher.  Our appliances are stainless steel--which the Hubs said he really never wanted because there's basically no way to keep them free from fingerprints very long.  He's right, but as I pointed out, the Toddler won't be this little for very long...  and soon, her fingerprints won't be all over everything.

Little Fingerprints are Curiosity
Everyday she looks at the stove and dishwasher, and the water dispenser on the fridge, with great curiosity.  You can almost see the gears turning in her mind--how does this thing work, what does it do?  The buttons beep when I push them!!

Little Fingerprints are Energy
I often wonder how I will keep up when she goes from being a toddler who naps, to a toddler who is awake All.  Day.  Long.  Some days this sweet peanut wears me out as it is!  She's so full of energy and life--she finds a way to look at her toys and our house with a new vision every single day!  It's amazing to watch!

Little Fingerprints are Fleeting....
Someday, she will be bigger.  She will know what the stove does, what the dishwasher does--and the novelty and mystery she finds in these things right now will not be replaced with knowledge and awareness.  She will turn into a big kid, a teenager, a young adult, all before our eyes and yet it will seem like just yesterday...  that she was leaving Little Fingerprints all over our house.

The Big Girl is eight--and I love her Little Fingerprints too...  but already, just a few years older than the Toddler, the Fingerprints the Big Girl leaves are so different.  They are Littlest Pet Shoppe toys all over the floor.  They are books laying around the living room.  They are dirty clothes left laying around her bedroom instead of in her clothes hamper!  Someday, the Fingerprints in our house will only be the Hubs and Mine--the little Toddler giggles & Big Girl screeches of laughter will not sound through our house as they do now.

It's those Little Fingerprints I love.  It's those Little Fingerprints I want to remember.

Wishing lots of Little Fingerprints to you all,


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